Have you ever visited a psychic medium? Perhaps you’re a little tentative? Or perhaps you think it's all hocus-pocus. You may be surprised on all three counts. Thank Jules, for such an illuminating chat. You are a gem. It...
My guest today ran for the UK parliament in 2019. Spoiler Alert - he didn't get in! That was the year when the UK was devouring itself on the subject of Brexit. Listen to his hilarious account of fighting to become an MP an...
On the 3rd September 1939, Neville Chamberlain broadcast the news that Britain was at war with Germany. Accounts of war time have been well documented, but what was it like for the children living under the constant threat o...
Welcome to Batting the Breeze, the podcast for the Infinitely Curious! This introductory episode provides a summary of what you can expect from our podcast. It's a place where we share stories, invite others to share stories...