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Sunday morning
Hope you are well, chap. Very much enjoying the newsletter; has become the substitute for my Sunday morning papers. Far more interesting!

I ALWAYS thoroughly enjoy your notes – I am a history geek, and it scratches an itch – thank you. I am dabbing my eyes after rewatching the Riverdance video. My father passed away in 1999 – the grandson of a young Irish lad who came to the US from Michelstown with his little sister in the late 1840’s. When Dad first saw that Riverdance video, he, a normally stoic man, broke down crying. It evoked an old memory of HIS father dancing the very same way when he’d had a bit of wine, and the long-forgotten memory was unearthed unexpectedly. The guttural roar from the Dublin crowd once again sent shivers through my limbs. Thank you again!

Beyond Gravity
Steve - Awesome job! I love your commentary and questions, and the music to create the proper mood! Very well done. Your editing is superb to create an engaging story that flows nicely! That’s all you! Thank you for being so professional. - Jim

Fly fishing and flat beer
Steve: Thank you for this week's Breezer. I enjoyed all of it, but particularly your section about locally produced "real ales." I'm a Texan, so as you might expect, we generally prefer cold beer (or "cold-ass beer," as we call it sometimes), but I spent a semester in England when I was in college (early 1980s), and I got to be quite a fan of bitter ales. And the temperature at which they were served seemed to me to enhance their flavor. Dallas is blessed with a great variety of available beers from around the world, but here they are invariably served cold. As part of our semester in England, my group spent about three weeks travelling around England on a bus. We visited some larger cities (Bath, York, Lincoln), but mostly we stayed in smaller villages. As a result, we had the pleasure of sampling local bitter ales all over the country, and enjoying them in the wonderful atmosphere of their local pubs. I have many fond memories of that time, and I appreciate your reviving them. Thank you

great watching and listening im hooked
great stories, i enjoyed it all

Steve is a truly wonderful podcast host!
I love "Batting The Breeze" for the great stories and people, for the whole worlds it brings to us. And I absolutely loved every second spent in the making of our episode. Every aspect of it was totally professional and perfectly prepared, yet spontaneous. Profound and serious, yet great fun. An inspiring podcast for you as a listener, a beautiful experience for you as a guest, and a great human being for you to meet.

Great to hear from you
So great to hear from you and wow I absolutely love the job you did with the podcast!! Thanks so much.

Revenge: The Scuttling of the German Fleet at Scapa Flow
Wow Steve your newsletter is so beautiful!!! It was worth the wait! Keep you outstanding quality up, you’re one of a kind. Congratulations ❤️ S.

Alex’s Wish for Duchenne
Gosh what an episode! You would have to be “The Tin Woodman” from Oz not to be touched by that story. Emma is an amazing inspiring lady who has transformed diversity to hope. I wish her son, Alex, well and congratulate Emma for her charity raising success and above all hope that a cure for Duchenne M D can be achieved sooner rather than later.

Intriguing folk with curious stories to tell
Thanks for letting me subscribe to The Breezer! Full of fascinating information and so interesting . I thoroughly enjoyed the podcast with Manly Hopkinson. Absolutely entrancing! A great tale and he is such a wonderful communicator. Who wouldn’t want him as a leader? I was fascinated to hear that there were 8 people on board who had never sailed before! And the idea of attacking a hurricane… As someone who gets seasick on the Sandbanks Ferry, I was in awe.. Well done you on finding all the intriguing folk with curious stories to tell…

Latest episode
Thanks. What a great talker Manly is. Great podcast.

Really enjoying but.....
Hi, I have been listening to your podcast for several episodes, and I wanted to share two pieces of feedback. First, I am really enjoying it! Very memorable stories and people telling them, presented beautifully! The other thing is that I feel the transition to the end of podcast music and message could come a little bit later. I always find it jarring that I don't get to sit in the mood (and music) of the actual episode for just a little longer. Anyway, I look forward to listening to more! Thanks,

Super professional
Great job on making them, they sound super professional, really interesting topics, keep it up.

It’s all around us
Your episode about human trafficking was fascinating and terrifying. I will see people in a very different light.

Inhuman Traficking.
What an amazing story, thought provoking, enlightening and so well put together by the interviewer. Amanda is an amazing lady who suffered so many difficult times. So pleased that eventually there was a happy ending.

Extraordinary insight into the life of Sir Winston's bodyguard
As an oil painter myself, I was fascinated to listen to your episode talking to Winston Churchill's last bodyguard, Edmund Murray. Murray was an oil painter like Sir Winston and would pick his locations, set up his easel, stand over him and swap ideas while he painted. A great story well told.

#33 Donut Dollie
I so enjoyed talking with Steve. I have shared this and received such good feedback. Thank you Steve for the opportunity to tell a bit about our service in Vietnam.

Listened to all!
Listened to every episode and wait each week for the next one to drop. 80% are a great and interesting listen, The other 20% are just brilliant, emotional, thought provoking and sometimes rib tickling. Great stories put together beautifully.

Bring a handkerchief
Just listened to the most moving 25 minutes ever. In Symphony of a Mind, Stuart Carlson talks to the host Steve Winduss. Stuart is a professional violinist, but he also has autism. He talks to Steve with some difficulty and his violin plays in the background. The contrast is unbelievably stirring. The way the talking is edited with the most beautiful violin playing will bring you to tears.

A great find
Fantastic. Just caught up with every episode. This is a don't miss.

Symphony of a Mind
Love these podcasts and am sharing with my friends! Steve is a great host!!

Admirable content
This is my first time listening to your podcast I love it. I'll recommend it to my friends

Keep them coming please!
An extremely thought provoking podcast giving you a great insight into peoples lives. Very well presented and easy to listen to. Look forward to it each week!