Is Anybody There?

Have you ever visited a psychic medium? Perhaps you’re a little tentative? Or perhaps you think it's all hocus-pocus. You may be surprised on all three counts.
Thank Jules, for such an illuminating chat. You are a gem. It was a joy to hear these often misunderstood beliefs and happenings clarified in such a matter-of-fact way. Incidentally, if after you've listened to this episode you feel a need for some relaxation, then Jules can help there too - she's also a holistic therapist. Check out the links below.
Also, a big thank you to Kelley for giving us some insight into a client's view of psychic mediumship. Much appreciated.
You can find an extended, uncut version of this episode on YouTube:
Is Anybody There? (uncut).
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Last week's episode
[Episode 6] How to Lose Friends and Alienate People - My guest today ran for the UK parliament in 2019. Spoiler Alert - he didn't get in! That was the year when the UK was devouring itself on the subject of Brexit. Listen to his hilarious account of fighting to become an MP and find out what advice he would give to anyone thinking of doing the same.
Next week's episode
[Episode 8] From Belarus with Love - At the last count, 221 million people have migrated, ie moved from their “country of usual residence”; that’s 3.5% of the world’s population. Of these, just short of 80 million were forcibly moved from their homes as refugees, asylum seekers, or internally displaced. But there are many that move to join their families, to study or to seek a new life. I was lucky enough to catch up with one such person seeking a new life. She’s a gem.
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I'm a psychic medium. So for example, if I was doing a reading, I generally work with the same guide. If I was doing healing, I can work with very different guides.
You're answering all my questions here by the way. Very good. Very good.
Must be psychic.
Stop that. What are you doing? No, it's not that kind of program. Sorry. From time to time I stumble across programs on the TV, which are talking about spiritualism, talking to the deceased, seeing ghosts. You know what I mean. If I was going to give this subject some real thought, I needed to speak to a real psychic medium, but where can you find one of those? Well, down in Ringwood, Hampshire on the south coast of England as it happens. I met a lady called Jules Emm. She is a psychic medium, so I asked her if she would allow me to ask anything at all about her power. And to my surprise she said, "Yes, of course". So here goes. Where were you born?
So I was born in Hastings, in East Sussex.
And was there anything unusual about your childhood?
Not particularly. However, I 've always felt I never belonged. There was something about me that always felt an outsider and I've had that all my life.
Jules had one or two early psychic experiences, but it wasn't until later in her childhood that it became more prominent.
I then started hearing voices. That was something that I was thinking, "Gosh, that's not normal". When I was 21... unfortunately my father was seriously ill and was dying. And I had chosen to go and look after him until he passed. My dad did not believe in mediumship at all. He thought it was all a load of rubbish. And we had a little bit of a joke before his passing, and I just happened to say to him... "Dad, when you die, if there really is life after death, come back and tell me. And it was about five, six years after Dad had passed, and I had this overwhelming desire to see a medium and I hadn't been to one before. So I'm in the car driving and I'm talking to my Dad 'cause I would talk to him, and were just saying, "Oh gosh, Dad, I have no idea where I'm going. I just wished, you know, I can have a sign". And outside, there was this woman standing there, waving away at me as I draw up, and she goes, "Oh, your dad's just told me you're panicking, don't know where to go, so I've just come out". And as I sat down, lots of things went on and the first thing she said to me was, "I'm not dead. I'm still alive". And my Dad was the only one I told that to. And that was it for me.
So you've become aware of having a special power...
What do you call it?
Well, for me, I just say I'm a psychic medium. There are lots of people out there who work in different ways, 'cause you all have a different gift. So my gift is very much where I work with guides. I'm like a telephone. So I communicate with my guide and they will tell me things and I then pass it on to the person who's sitting in front of me.
Do you know what they look like?
I don't. I have a knowing of one, a native Indian called White Owl... and she has been with me from the day that I was born. And I know her energy. As soon as she comes in, I know her presence.
Was that something just then... And that was her. So the light's flickered. So that was her letting her know that, you know, she's around. So just for the record, some light behind me... Is flickering. the point when you mentioned her name. Interesting.
When I got into mediumship, my guides actually had planned what I was gonna do in my life to enable me to do the mediumship and healing. So, for example, I was a nursery nurse at the time. And I really, really loved the job, but things in my own personal life weren't going well. And my guides had stepped in and said to me, "You need to retrain. You need to go into something new". So I was going to train to do physio and occupational therapy. No idea about any of it. And I said, "I can't do this. I don't have the skills for this". And they just kept saying to me, "You will get this. I promise you will get this". I actually got the job. And all through my career, they have taken me to all my jobs.
Now you said you believe in God. Would you describe yourself as religious?
Gosh. That's interesting. I believe in a God that they're always there to help you and it doesn't matter what you do wrong, they're there to forgive. I think religion is wrong when you go to a church and they're telling you what you can and can't do The God I believe in accepts everybody and everything.
So Jules discovered that she had a power and she trained in how to use it. That involved joining a circle and being taught how to connect with her guide, among other things. She is a practicing psychic medium. When Jules sees a client, they sit down together and the reading begins.
I have to have a really strong energy before I can start and a connection. Soon as I get that, my guides then just come in and so the information that they can give me can be anything. It's generally past, present, and future. When they die, the person from the spirit world will show me on my body how they passed. So I can then tell them. They don't change. Once they pass, they're still the same.
It occurs to me that the weight of responsibility is massive.
Absolutely. I mean, you are playing with people's lives. So you have to be very careful how you help them with that. I don't want them to just come to me just hoping that their loved ones will be there. And a lot of people will do that. They will prey on the vulnerable, and that's not what I want to do.
There is inevitably a skepticism that exists when discussing this topic. I think terminology can get in the way that anything vaguely relating to the paranormal gets thrown into a big pot, stirred and served up in a rather random way, bit like my cooking. So I wanted to check out what some of these well-known words meant to Jules. Clairvoyance
Clairvoyance is the ability to hear information and pass it on.
Is that you?
That's from a guide to me.
So is a medium a clairvoyant?
There are mediums out there who will see a full-bodied person. I sense things. So I'm able to sense and hear things, but I don't actually see them.
A seance is when you have someone who is psychic, who allows people to come in, sit around a table and connect with the spirit world.
Yeah... levitation. A lot of mediums will experience this, and it's generally when you are doing... a meditation and you go really, really deep. What they say is that you actually leave the body. So the body is still there. It's a soul that leaves the body and then comes back down.
Do you believe in ghosts?
Have you ever seen one?
Interesting. Where I used to live, I had presence in the house. One was of a young Victorian girl and also the father. Now the people I had in the home at the time all had seen this appearance and it was a child in Victorian clothes as solid as a human being. The three people who saw them all very scientific, they're all doctors, and did not believe in what I did. Yet, they all saw this girl and they thought it was one of the grandchildren.
I asked Jules how she managed throughout Covid. Presumably readings had to stop for a couple of years?
For me, when Covid happened, it meant I could do no face-to-face readings, so I had to find an alternative. And I knew that a lot of people were using Zoom at this particular time.
In the interest of impartiality, I should mention that other online communication software is available.
So I then went and asked a friend to ask another friend who didn't know me to try the Zoom with me... and it worked well. So, yes... it was a great opportunity to use something slightly different.
It seemed interesting that a mystical process could work through the modern day internet. So I wanted to speak to someone who had sat on the other side, if you know what I mean. Kelley picks up the story.
So I've had many, many readings in my life. The majority of them have been in person. I was a bit hesitant but I have to say that I was surprised with Jules and yeah... I can honestly say if you've got a good wifi connection, there's no interruptions, absolutely no difference at all. I work as a carer looking after the elderly. One thing that happened last year, with Jules, I was seeking guidance. Spirit said, "It's time for you to look for another job as soon as possible. I said, "Jules is there more to that?" And she said, Yes... I'm afraid I don't think your lady has much time left". And that was a complete surprise because she wasn't outwardly ill with anything. But Spirit nudged me and lo and behold, my lovely Mary passed away a week later. She just literally started dozing off one day, went to the hospital and passed away peacefully that evening. About a week later, I had a reading with Jules and she came into my reading and I just knew straight away that it was her wanting to connect to me.
Back to Jules. I asked her what advice she would give to someone thinking about using a medium, but feeling a little tentative.
I always tell everybody, come in, we're just having a conversation, like two friends having a chat. I take the time out before their reading to talk about what I do, how I can help and just put them at ease really. I am a human being. I'm... the same as them. I get nervous as well when they come in.
I asked Jules for a final word and she went a little quiet as if she was looking for help.
I'm just trying to get my guides to come in... okay. I don't know if I'm getting this right, so just bear with me. First thing they've just said to me, "What will be will be". But they're saying, "Our life has two pathways, but it is our decision on which pathway to take".
PODCAST (uncut version)
[00:00:00] Jules: I'm a psychic medium. So I communicate with my guide and they will tell me things and I then pass it on to the person who's sitting in front of me, who's gonna receive it.
[00:00:11] Jules: So for example, if I was doing a reading, I generally work with the same guide. If I was doing healing, I can work with very different guides.
[00:00:23] Steve: You're answering all my questions here by the way. Very good. Very good.
[00:00:27] Jules: Must be psychic.
Early life
[00:00:29] Steve: Stop that. What are you doing? No, it's not that kind of program. Sorry.
[00:01:29] Steve: From time to time I stumble across programs on the TV, which are talking about spiritualism, talking to the deceased, seeing ghosts. You know what I mean.
[00:01:40] Steve: And I just think, well, it all looks plausible, but then a psychic medium is uncovered as a fraud, so where does that leave it?
[00:01:49] Steve: If I was going to give this subject some real thought, I needed to speak to a real psychic medium, but where can you find one of those? Well, down in Ringwood, Hampshire on the south coast of England as it happens.
[00:02:03] Steve: I met a lady called Jules Emm. She is a psychic medium, and she was so normal, so comfortable in her own skin. So I asked her if she would allow me to ask anything at all about her power. And to my surprise, she said, "Yes, of course". So here goes.
[00:02:30] Steve: Where were you born?
[00:02:32] Jules: So I was born in Hastings, in East Sussex.
[00:02:36] Steve: And was there anything unusual about your childhood?
[00:02:44] Jules: Not particularly. However, I 've always felt I never belonged.
[00:02:51] Steve: Tell me a bit more about that.
[00:02:53] Jules: So even though I was brought up in a very loving family, and you know, cousins and everything, there was always something about me that I never felt I belonged anywhere. If I ever met anybody, I always felt... there There was something about me that always felt an outsider and I've had that all my life.
[00:03:21] Steve: That's interesting. And when were you first aware that you had something that your peers didn't have?
[00:03:32] Jules: That was quite later on. I can pick up things like when I was about eight, nine years old, I had a knowing about my auntie. My mother had a phone call and I didn't hear the phone call, but I came downstairs and told her something that was quite serious that had happened or was gonna happen to my auntie. And my mother insisted that I'd heard the phone call and I couldn't explain to her why I knew, I just knew. That was the really, the very first thing.
[00:04:10] Steve: So Jules had had an early experience of what the psychic world might look like, but she parked that experience and got on with growing up. It wasn't for a few years that a sense of the psychic once again appeared.
[00:04:26] Jules: So I always sense someone around me. So from early on there was always a knowing. I always had a knowing about things. Couldn't explain why, but I always had a knowing. And then I then started hearing voices. That was something that I was thinking, "Gosh, that, that's not normal".
[00:04:50] Steve: How old were you?
[00:04:53] Jules: That's interesting. I really came aware of it, I think, the voices, more in my twenties. I think it had always been there. But I just ignored that. A lot of it I thought was imaginary friends and play really. But really I think it really hit me in my twenties that something wasn't quite right.
[00:05:18] Steve: And were you worried or confused? How did you feel?
[00:05:21] Jules: Well, to a point I actually thought I had schizophrenia because it wasn't the same voice. It was different voices and it was children and it was adults. So I, that was quite confusing in itself.
[00:05:37] Steve: Did you tell anyone?
[00:05:40] Jules: initially, no, I didn't tell anybody.
[00:05:42] Steve: And at that time, this discovery time, what did you do with it? Did you just accept it was there, or did you...
[00:05:50] Jules: Yeah, I just ignored it really. It was very much like, well, I don't know what to do with this. So I sort of parked it. It's like when you put things in boxes, it was a little bit, "I'll put that in a box and I'll go back to that later on". Because it was new beginnings in life, you know, and so I had other things going on.
What is a Medium?
[00:06:12] Steve: So you've become aware of having a special power...
[00:06:18] Jules: mm-hmm
[00:06:19] Steve: What do you call it?
[00:06:21] Jules: Well, for me, I just say that I have... I'm a psychic medium. So there are lots of people out there who work in very, very different ways, 'cause you all have a different gift. Do you want me to elaborate on that?
[00:06:39] Steve: Well, my next question is how do you describe yours?
[00:06:43] Jules: Okay, so my gift is very much where I work with guides. So what happens with me, I tune in with my guide and the way I explain it to people, I'm like a telephone. So I communicate with my guide and they will tell me things and I then pass it on to the person who's sitting in front of me, who's gonna receive it. So that's how it works for me.
[00:07:08] Steve: So is Jules a scholar of mediumship?
[00:07:13] Jules: Definitely not. That's one thing I would not say about me. There are lots of people out there who can go into real detail about what it is, how it happens, and whatever. For me, I don't, mine is more instinctively. So I was very fortunate that I have been guided by my guides.
[00:07:34] Steve: A spiritualist is someone who believes in this kind of communication. So presumably your clients are spiritualists?
[00:07:40] Jules: Absolutely, Yeah.
[00:07:42] Steve: Okay. And do you communicate with an individual through your spirit or directly with an individual?
[00:07:52] Jules: It really depends. So depending on what I'm doing... so if I was doing a reading, you have lots of different spirit guides. So depending on who my guide wants to work with, it depends on who works with me, if that makes sense. So for example, if I was doing a reading, I generally work with the same guide. If I was doing healing, I can work with very different guides.
[00:08:24] Steve: You're answering all my questions here by the way. Very good. Very good.
[00:08:28] Jules: Must be psychic.
[00:08:30] Steve: Do you know what they look like?
[00:08:34] Jules: I don't. A lot of mediums do. They could tell you and describe them, but I don't... I I have a knowing of one if you want me to tell you about that person. So I was told by another medium that I work with, a a native Indian called White Owl... and she has been with me from the day that I was born. And I know her energy. As soon as she comes in, I know her presence.
[00:09:08] Steve: Was that something just then...
[00:09:09] Steve: And that was her. So the light's flickered. So that was her letting her know that, you know, she's around.
[00:09:15] Steve: So just for the record, some light behind me...
[00:09:19] Steve: Is flickering.
[00:09:20] Steve: the point when you mentioned her name. Interesting. Do you unreservedly trust them?
[00:09:32] Jules: I do now, absolutely.
[00:09:35] Steve: And how do they communicate? Is it sound, sight, smell?
[00:09:42] Jules: Again, all of those things. But it's different for the individual. So for me, when I work, I actually don't see anyone. I sense it so I could see somebody, but it's actually sensing it. So I could describe someone to you, but I don't actually see them. I'm sensing it all.
[00:10:02] Steve: Does your guide talk to you throughout the day or just when you're in a reading?
[00:10:09] Jules: Generally we have... it's quite interesting when you do this work, you have to have boundaries, which are really, really important. And that's what I've learned. So we have a boundary that when I'm working, they communicate with me during that period. However, if there is something that's gonna happen or someone's at risk, they can also come in and tell me things. And that has happened in the past.
[00:10:38] Steve: Is it tiring?
[00:10:41] Jules: Yeah, it can be. It can be. But for me it's very, very different because I enjoy it so much that I actually come out and I'm so invigorated, after the reading that for me, it, it's great. It's really good. Healing is more tiring.
[00:10:59] Steve: Okay, just again, slightly off record - healing, is that a different conversation?
[00:11:05] Jules: Yes, slightly. You're still using guides, but it's different guides and healing is all about someone coming to you and you working out what is going on and healing the parts of the body that you need to. For me, when my guide comes in, they actually tell me what's going wrong, going on with that person. So I'm able to tell them what I'm picking up on their body and that's where I go to those places on the body to heal.
[00:11:35] Steve: So we've got two things going on. We've got reading, when sit down with somebody and talk or they might ask you questions, but then you've got healing, which is when they might lie down and you actually just sort of... just see what you are able to sense.
[00:11:48] Jules: Yes.
[00:11:49] Steve: Is there a limited time that an individual in the spirit world can be contacted? In other words, could it be just after they pass away, years later or any time?
[00:12:03] Jules: That's very interesting because again, it's different for everybody. I have been aware that someone has passed and they've communicated with me. Generally, it does take time because what the spirit world tells us that if someone has died from a very serious illness, they have to go a place to... a place to get better. Sometimes people never come through. And that's one thing we can't guarantee. We always ask for our loved ones to come through, but we can't guarantee that because there's lots going on up there. So it's not that they don't want to come, it's because there's other things going on.
[00:12:45] Steve: Now, I've seen some research, which I'm not gonna reference but it did suggest that women tend to have a greater belief in the paranormal than men. Is that the same in your experience?
[00:12:55] Jules: Definitely. I think women are very more open. I think women are far more open to what is going out... going out there, whereas men, you've gotta prove to them. You've gotta prove, you know, without doubt what is going on. Because this isn't an easy thing to explain to someone. You can't really explain what is going on. So even for me, I'm not a hundred... I believe there is life after death, but until I die, I won't know for a hundred percent that there is life after death. So you try and prove that to, to men is really, really difficult. And that's one of the things when I have men who come to me, I have to prove and give them evidence that there is no way that I could know just to say, "Well, how would I know that then?"
[00:13:48] Steve: That's interesting, , because men are more into UFOs and crop circles....
[00:13:54] Jules: Absolutely. And science-based. They're very more scientific. And I get all of that.
[00:14:00] Steve: How does spiritualism sit with the main religions?
[00:14:04] Jules: A lot of them don't particularly believe in it, but there are are certain religions who do believe in giving healing and there is life after death. I believe in God the same as they do. Different religions have different beliefs. A lot of them don't agree with it.
[00:14:22] Steve: When I think about say, Christianity or Judaism, have you had any run-ins in that sense?
[00:14:28] Jules: Funny enough? I did. About three weeks ago I was on a course, on a spiritual course, and it was all about positivity. You know, how we can get rid of negativity and bring positivity in everybody's life. And just at the end, we were doing a meditation and this lady stormed in and told us that we were gonna be damned. And she was a born again Christian, and we were all very, very calm and welcomed her in. And she basically told us we were all gonna die because we were working with the devil and we shouldn't be doing this. But we asked her very politely to leave, which she wouldn't do.
[00:15:09] Jules: So yeah, to that question, we, yeah, we do get it. We get, you know, people coming to the churches and telling we're wrong and like we explain to them, "We will respect your religion. Please respect ours. But we won't come to your church and barge in and telling us which is right and wrong, you know?" But they... it is, you know, it's up to them what they believe and it's up to the individual.
[00:15:35] Steve: Now you said you believe in God? Would you describe yourself as religious?
[00:15:41] Jules: Gosh. That's interesting. I don't believe with churches and the format of a church, because they are telling you what you can and you can't do. I believe in a God that they're always there to help you and it doesn't matter what you do wrong, they're there to forgive. You know, they wanna help and they wanna guide you. I think religion is wrong when you go to a church and they're telling you what you can and can't do and what is right and wrong. I don't believe in that. I believe that it doesn't matter who you are, you know, if you are gay, you are trans, whatever, you have the right to be who you are, not someone to tell you that is wrong. And there are people out there who, let's just say if I was gay, a lot of churches won't allow me to be in their church and believe in God. Well the God I believe in accepts everybody and everything.
[00:16:38] Steve: Fantastic. So we're gonna talk a little bit about the work itself.
Working as a Medium
[00:16:47] Steve: How did you decide to move from someone who communicated through spirits to someone who formally offered a service to act as an intermediary between a client a deceased loved one.
[00:17:02] Jules: Okay, so my journey really began by bumping into random people, first of all, who told me I had a gift, but I meet them in the most random of places. For example, I took my son to kung fu and there was... and this is in the middle of Wiltshire's countryside in an old barn, taking my son to kung fu and there was a woman who was a medium who came up to me and said, this is what you need to be doing. Rather random. So a lot of things like that happened with me. So from that, I knew I had to go and train, learn to do or learn to use my gift because I didn't know how to use it.
[00:17:52] Steve: And what did training look like?
[00:17:54] Jules: So training looked like, we call it a circle. So you will go to somebody who is in charge and you will join a circle once a week. And then they will show you how you can use your gift in lots of different ways that you get taught. So you get taught how to connect with your guide. You get taught how to... most importantly is about protection and grounding yourself. Because what you don't want to do is bring in negative energy. So you get taught very basic things. Protecting yourself, grounding yourself. The most important thing about the work that we all do, you have no ego at all. Because if you have ego, then you start becoming a bigger person. And it's not about the individual, it's about who you are. And that's not what this is about.
[00:18:49] Steve: And presumably they can't train somebody who hasn't got a gift.
[00:18:53] Jules: Everybody has the ability to do this line of work, whether it's healing or what it is, but generally yeah... you will know if you have the ability to do do readings. Yeah.
Readings v Healings
[00:19:08] Steve: So you mentioned before we had readings and healings. So give me a little bite size idea what a reading is and then we'll ask for a bite size reading of a healing.
[00:19:18] Jules: Okay. So if I had someone coming for a reading, so how I work, I do either face-to-face or I can use video call and I get the client to come in, sit down. I then tune in with my guide. I've already tuned in so I get all the energy in the room. I have to have a really strong energy before I can start and a connection.
[00:19:43] Jules: So I will start off finding two very quite insignificant things. So it could have been something that she'd done that day or she was aching or something like that. So I know I have a connection. Soon as I get that, my guides then just come in and so the information that they can give me can be anything. It's generally past, present, and future. So we wanna give evidence base. So it's really, really important that I can give her things. that There's no way that I can know. So that's really, really important. So as I say, past, present, and future, they can always tell me about loved ones who have passed.
[00:20:20] Jules: So they will come in, they will generally, if when they die, the person from the spirit world will show me on my body how they passed. So I can then tell them. There's always a buildup, especially when they have passed what they've gone through, and also how they were when they were on the Earth plane. They don't change. Once they pass, they're still the same. So that's really what I do.
[00:20:48] Steve: How common is it not to be able to give your client any feedback?
[00:20:52] Jules: It does happen. It really does happen. It's only happened I would say twice in my period of time. Once, and that was very, very early on when I, I first started out and this lady came and it wasn't anything to do with the woman. It was to do with the person who was coming through... was really awful vibes. I didn't like the energy and so I just said, I'm really, really sorry. I can't read.
[00:21:18] Jules: And I sent her to someone else. And the second time I think was because I had done too much that day and my energy just wasn't strong enough. And I'm very much a person if I, even though I'm getting stuff in, if it's not fluent, I then won't move. If it's very stilted, I won't continue. It has to be really fluent, but it does happen.
[00:21:43] Steve: what, what are the typical questions they would ask you?
[00:21:47] Jules: How I work, I ask them not to ask me anything. So I will start off giving them information and then I get a sense, sometimes if I haven't fulfilled all the questions I know that they need answering. And if I get somewhere and I say I can't quite get it, I'll then say to them, what... "What is it that you want to answer?" But generally, what people want to know... they want to know... if, say for example, someone came and they was in a really, really bad relationship, they wanna know all about that, where it's going, what's gonna happen.
[00:22:20] Jules: One of the things I will not do, I will not tell someone what they need to do in their life. That's, that's not my role. I can tell them what's going on, but it's up to them to make that decision on what they do with that information. Cuz that's wrong with me. That's their path.
[00:22:39] Steve: Now, I know you covered this a little bit a second ago, but are you being told what will happen in the future?
[00:22:46] Jules: Sometimes, yeah, sometimes I do. The issue with some of my clients before they come in, they know exactly what they wanna know and what they want me to tell them. But how my guides work sometimes... if there's something going on in their life that they need to focus on and they need to get sorted. So for example, say someone is in a really, really bad marriage, yet they're only thinking about will I meet somebody else in the future? I won't tell them about that because like I said to them, you need to be focusing on what's going on now. What I will say to you, yes, there will be, but you need to sort out what's going on now before you can focus on what, what else is gonna happen in the future.
[00:23:35] Steve: And then sometimes you're going to be handling some very sensitive information. How would you typically impart that kind of information to somebody?
[00:23:44] Jules: Yes, that's very difficult. So the first thing I always say to people when they come in is that I do not tell them bad news. That isn't my role. I may know about certain things that are gonna happen. Okay? So I won't pass on that someone is gonna die.
[00:24:02] Jules: However, there was a time about four years ago, I had a lady come to me and she walked in and I knew that her partner was dying. I knew that. So I was, I started off the process of saying, "Unfortunately, I can see that your partner is very unwell and... medical interventions are not helping at this moment". And then she then said to me, "Yeah, you're absolutely right. He's dying". So what she... so there are means and ways of doing something, but you have to be really, really careful. I knew when she gave me the go ahead, I could then carry on with what she actually wanted to know about, you know? But generally... I won't.
[00:24:50] Jules: There's another thing as well that we also lose people or someone loses a child. However they choose... however that happens, if a child is born and then it dies or you are pregnant and then someone makes a decision of where they want that child if, you know, it's not their time for that child to be born and that can come through. So I always ask them, you know, "Oh, is that all right for me to pass on information about that?" And generally, most people say, "Yes". And again, it's a knowing. It's a knowing if it's the right thing to do. If it's not, sometimes I know I can't talk about that, and so I won't bring that up.
[00:25:36] Steve: It occurs to me that the weight of responsibility is massive.
[00:25:41] Jules: Absolutely. I mean, you are playing with people's lives. And the biggest thing for me that I worry about, and which is really, really important, is that people sometimes take everything you say and they will leave, and then they're thinking, "Oh, I gotta do this and I gotta do that". So you have to be careful what you say, you know, because we don't want people just constantly relying on what I'm telling them. And there are... there are issues that I've had in... in a past when someone's loved someone and they've passed and they can't get over that grief. It's, it's really, really difficult. So they come for a reading, and then their loved ones come through and they validate things that's going on in the life now, even though they're not there.
[00:26:30] Jules: But then that person becomes fixated about, "Oh, I've got to come and see you again", because then my loved one will come through. So you have to be very careful how you help them with that. And for me, I'm not one to keep saying, come back and I'll read for you and I'll read for you. I don't do that. I will have... give them guidance for nothing... but I don't want them to just come to me just hoping that their loved ones will be there. And a lot of people will do that. They will prey on the vulnerable, and that's not what I want to do.
Success stories
[00:27:08] Steve: Very interesting, very interesting. So you've given me some good examples of things that have happened. It'd be great to think about, you know, one of your finest moments. Obviously you're not giving away any detail, but one that you're happy to share that's either one of your best moments or one that most typifies what you are able to do for people?
[00:27:28] Jules: Can I give you two? So I think the thing for me, this is when I was starting my journey... my mother who's always been intermediate, you know, very interested in spiritualism and things, and that was part of my journey of how I met lots of different people. But when I was 21... unfortunately my father was seriously ill and was dying. And I had chosen to go and look after him until he passed. My dad did not believe in mediumship at all. He thought it was all a load of rubbish. He'd use other words, but it was a load of rubbish. And we had a little bit of a joke before his passing, and I just happened to say to him... "Dad, Dad when you die, if there really is life after death, come back and tell me.
[00:28:23] Jules: So, that was what we sort of left with. And it was about five years, let me think, five, six years after Dad had passed, and I had this overwhelming desire to see a medium and I hadn't been to one before, even though all these things were going on, I hadn't actually gone for a reading. And so I had to travel to Hastings, phone Mum and said, "I really need to go and see someone". So I'm in the car driving and I'm talking to my Dad 'cause I would talk to him, and were just saying, "Oh gosh, Dad, I have no idea where I'm going. I just wished, you know, I can have a sign".
[00:29:01] Jules: And outside, there was this woman standing there waving away at me as I draw up, and she goes, "Oh, your dad's just told me you're panicking, don't know where to go, so I've just come out". And as I sat down, lots of things went on and the first thing she said to me was, "I'm not dead. I'm still alive". And my Dad was the only one I told that to and I didn't tell anyone else. And that was it for me. That was it. Right. Okay. I really do believe in this.
[00:29:33] Steve: Go on number two.
[00:29:34] Jules: This wasn't that it was absolutely amazing. But the reason I'm bringing this one up is because of a chap who came for a reading. Now, his girlfriend, he had just started going out with this young girl, and she was a regular of mine, would come every six months a year. And she booked this chap in for reading. Now, as soon as this guy walked in, I knew he did not wanna be there. This was not his thing, but he was doing it because he was in a new relationship and really wanted to do the right thing by his girlfriend.
[00:30:05] Jules: And he sat down and I just said straight away, I said, "You don't wanna be here, do you?" And he went, "Absolutely not. It's not my thing. Don't believe in it". So I just said to him, "Right, I'm here now to prove to you there's life after death. So, basically it started off... I went back to his childhood and about a fence that he did with his grandma and all the things he did. But it was very specific in the sense like I said, "Right, okay, you were obsessed with being a cowboy". I said, "And I can see you in all your cowboy... and your hat was really important to you, but you had a rocking horse and you would get on this rocking horse and you'd get your hat and you would be doing all of this and whatever. And it was only ever at your grandma's that you would do this".
[00:30:49] Jules: And he was really taken aback because... and then he was going, "Yeah, but most kids dress up in, you know"... so as the time went on, I had to keep finding things. And that's what I literally did to him, was telling him things, and things that no one knew about, had no idea. And I was able to pinpoint that.
[00:31:11] Jules: And that for me was really, really good because he walked away and said, "I've really gotta think about this now because there's no way you could have known what you've just told me and I haven't told anybody. So there's got to be something". So for me that's like a big tick, cuz I've got him thinking.
[00:31:34] Steve: Lovely. So we've had a soundbite about a reading. Give me a soundbite about a healing.
[00:31:39] Jules: Healing. Okay. So I'm gonna... if you don't mind, I'm gonna use patients... clients that... that come in. And again, I've gotta be very, very careful. So I had a lady phone me up... because she was... she's very ill. Now I can't... I can't take away illnesses at all. I, can't do that, but I can help with pain... and things. So this woman came and she'd been to loads and loads of doctors and she was on a lot of medication and she got to a point where she said, "I can't go on like this anymore because I have no quality of life".
[00:32:18] Jules: So she came to me hoping that I could change that. But like I said to her, I would do the best I can, but you do have to have medical intervention because when you have an illness, you have to have drugs and things to help you. I'm here to really help with the pain and things. So she came in, I didn't ask what was wrong with her, I just laid her down. So then what I do, I call in my spirit guide, my healing guide, and they will come in and what I do, I sort of scan the body. So I will go all over the body and as I'm going over the body, my guide would say, she's got issues with this, this, this, and this, and this is what I would tell... the guide... the client. And then I get heat. So I get a lot of heat that comes from my hands. So I place my hands on the part of the body that I need to be working on and they will feel heat.
[00:33:15] Jules: Now the client will feel lots of different things. Sometimes they'll feel heat, sometimes they see loads and loads of colours. Sometimes they just go off or they get... some get visions actually. So... but all I'm doing is transferring the heat from my guide to the areas that need to be worked on. But the greatest thing for me is when they phone me up and say, like with this one lady, that the issues that she was having had literally gone away and had got better. So... which was great. I'll never take it away, but I can help improve things.
[00:33:54] Steve: You'll be very aware of a scepticism that exists amongst a group of people in this area. I think terminology can get in the way, that anything vaguely relating to the paranormal gets thrown into a big pot, stirred and served up in a rather random way. a bit a bit like my cooking. So let's clear up some terminology. I'm gonna say some words, and I just want you to tell me what they mean to you, okay? Let's see how we get on....
[00:34:27] Jules: I'll ...
[00:34:28] Steve: not sure this is gonna work, but let's see...
[00:34:30] Jules: okay...
[00:34:31] Steve: Clairvoyance...
[00:34:32] Jules: Clairvoyance is the ability to hear information and pass it on.
[00:34:42] Steve: is that you?
[00:34:44] Jules: That's from a guide to me.
[00:34:47] Steve: So is a medium a clairvoyant?
[00:34:50] Jules: that's debatable. This is, that's one of my issues because I know what I can do and I could tell you what I think is the right thing. But I gotta be honest, I might get it wrong because you got someone who is, oh gosh, I can't think of the word, but there are some people who can see spirit, so they normally say they're a medium. So there are mediums out there who will see a full-bodied person. Then you've got... who's me, who is, I sense things. So I'm able to sense and hear things, but I don't actually see them. Then you have other people who are tarot card readers, so they will use the cards, and the cards would tell them what is going on.
[00:35:41] Steve: I think I saw... so a clairvoyant was somebody seeing, and then there was claire... lots of other things.
[00:35:47] Jules: Yeah. And that's where I get confused. So the, the best thing you can do is really go in, find out what it is. 'Cause I always get... I get confused by those things, but you... don't describe yourself as a clairvoyant. No... I've always said psychic medium. I don't know why. I've just...
[00:36:10] Steve: ...and again, sorry if I've missed the point, but just tell me the difference between a psychic medium and a clairvoyant.
[00:36:18] Jules: So you just said clairvoyant is someone who sees, Okay?
[00:36:24] Steve: And you don't see
[00:36:26] Jules: You sense
[00:36:27] Jules: I sense...
[00:36:27] Steve: Got it. Okay. Back to the list. Seance.
[00:36:32] Jules: Seance. A seance is when you have someone who is psychic, I'm gonna just use that terminology for the moment, who allows people to come in, sit around a table and connect with the spirit world, and then whatever comes in.
[00:36:53] Steve: Okay. So... a reading's a kind of seance, is that right?
[00:36:59] Jules: I suppose, yeah, it is. It is.
[00:37:02] Steve: I did actually... I did actually check the definition of seance, and it comes from the Latin 'to sit'. So the idea is that you have to be sitting, but they don't. That's what I read. Okay. It's good. Spiritualism -
[00:37:20] Jules: What, the definition of spiritualism?
[00:37:24] Jules: Again, everyone sees spiritualism very differently as I spoke about earlier on, about churches. You know, I'm a believer that... if you are a spiritualist, you don't have to go to church, you can go anywhere to believe in what you believe in. So I mean, yeah, spiritualism for other people... very different. There's always rules and regulations when you go into churches and things like that, to a degree that you need that. But I also feel that you need the freedom to be able to say what you want to say without worrying about upsetting when you're in a church place.
[00:38:04] Steve: Ectoplasm.
[00:38:07] Jules: Oh my gosh. Now I should, I've not experienced this, but it is when... a medium is able to get like this substance that comes out. I've never ever seen it, but I've heard about it.
[00:38:24] Steve: Do,
[00:38:24] Jules: I don't really understand a lot about it, to be honest.
[00:38:29] Steve: Astrology?
[00:38:31] Jules: That's all to do with the stars and alignments and, and things like that... about the moon. Uh, yeah, it's not... it's not one of my fortes. Can't tell you much about that.
[00:38:43] Jules: Poltergeist?
[00:38:45] Jules: So, Poltergeist gotta think the right. So that's, to me, that's all about evil spirits. Evil... evil spirits either coming into someone's home and causing havoc, or sometimes they actually can possess somebody as well. Again, that isn't something that I've experienced, but I know a lot of my friends actually deal with that sort of thing.
[00:39:16] Steve: Levitation?
[00:39:19] Jules: Yeah... levitation. A lot of mediums will experience this, and it's generally when you are doing... you are doing a meditation and you go really, really deep. Now what they say is that you actually leave the body. So the body is still there. It's a soul that leaves the body and then comes back down.
[00:39:43] Steve: So just a couple more on... on these lines. Do you believe in ghosts?
[00:39:49] Jules: Yes.
[00:39:52] Steve: Have you ever seen one?
[00:39:54] Jules: Interesting. Okay, so where I used to live, I had presence in the house. One was of a young Victorian girl and also the father. Now I knew... this would be interesting actually, because I knew that presence was there, but I never saw it. Now the people I had in the home at the time all had seen this appearance and it was a child in Victorian clothes as solid as a human being. Now, why I love this so much, the three people who saw them all very scientific, they're all doctors, very scientific and did not believe in what I did. Yet, they all saw this girl and they thought it was one of the grandchildren. So yeah, I do believe in that.
[00:40:51] Steve: Can you read people's minds?
[00:40:55] Jules: That's interesting... I will say yes and no, and that's a bit bizarre to say that, but when I'm actually working, if I choose to, I... but only in a good way that I can know what they're... I yeah... I know what they're thinking and questions they wanna ask because I sense it all. I get it all. So yes, I do that, but on... on an everyday thingy, absolutely not.
[00:41:21] Steve: I asked Jules how she managed throughout Covid. Presumably readings had to stop for a couple of years.
[00:41:29] Jules:
[00:41:29] Jules: So, for me, when Covid happened, it meant I could do no face-to-face readings, so I had to find an alternative. And I knew that a lot of people were using Zoom at this particular time. However, for me, I wasn't sure if that was something that I could do.
[00:41:48] Steve: In the interest of impartiality, I should mention that other online communication software is available.
[00:41:55] Jules: So I then went and asked a friend to ask another friend who didn't know me to try the Zoom with me. And it was very, very successful... and and it worked well. So, yes... it was a great, opportunity to use something slightly different. Generally for me... I will use WhatsApp or Messenger for people abroad.
[00:42:23] Jules: So I do a lot of international readings. So for me, it's a great opportunity because I can reach more people further afield now. But I do prefer doing face-to-face, yeah.
[00:42:36] Steve: Well, I just couldn't leave that thread of thought alone. It seemed interesting that a mystical process could work through the modern day internet. So I wanted to speak to someone who had sat on the other side, if you know what I mean. Kelley picks up the story.
[00:42:56] Kelley: So I've had many, many readings in my life... it's something that I've always been interested in and I always value other people's perspectives. So the majority of them have been in person, but of course, a lot of the time now you're dealing with psychics and mediums who live in other countries which doesn't make that possible.
[00:43:17] Kelley: And at first I was a bit hesitant because I always prefer an in-person experience. I also like to just read somebody's energy and feel if there's a warmth or a connection there. But I have to say that I was surprised with Jules and I actually felt... yeah... I felt no difference at all to be very honest, because what Jules does is as soon as you connect and she... she likes to connect visually... so we did it over WhatsApp on video. She tries to make a connection and she's doing that by looking at you and feeling your connection, your energy. And I can honestly say if you've got a good wifi connection, there's no interruptions, absolutely no difference at all.
[00:44:00] Steve: So just to clarify, I know from Jules's end, she said to me that... she needs to see you and hear you. From your perspective, if you put the phone down and you couldn't see Jules, does that ruin the connection?
[00:44:15] Kelley: Hmm. Good question. I... must say I do like the sight thing, absolutely yeah. For me, it's the same. I...suppose some people are visual creatures, some people don't mind. I've had a reading that was just... you know, with audio and it wasn't the same experience actually. Yeah, there's something about also when someone is... is imparting a message to you with eye contact that I find more powerful.
[00:44:42] Steve: As I was talking with Kelley, I got the impression that she didn't attend readings to contact someone in particular, but that there was a more general purpose at play, and that in itself seemed to lead to more powerful outcomes for her.
[00:44:59] Kelley: I think it's because I try not to go in with too many expectations now... in terms of when you're having a reading, because people who have this gift of mediumship... tend to also have a gift of offering guidance, which is obviously channeled through spirit. You are not always going to get a message from beyond, from a loved one who's passed over, et cetera.
[00:45:28] Kelley: So I try not to go in with those expectations. And very often I haven't wanted to or... needed to do that, but they have somehow just kind of.. you know, interrupted the session... said, "Oh, Kelly so-and-so's here to have a word". And to be honest, it's... it's always been incredible.
[00:45:46] Kelley: I work as a carer looking after the elderly. And... one thing that happened last year, with Jules is... I I was seeking guidance on the way forward for me, which is often the... the thing I'm seeking the most... is some kind of guidance about direction. And Spirit said, "It's time for you to look for another job as soon as possible. And I know Jules well enough.
[00:46:19] Kelley: I said, "Jules is there more to that?" And she said, "Yes... I'm afraid I don't think your lady has much time left". And that was a complete surprise because she wasn't outwardly ill with anything. And I also just want to add in here that... that is not really a norm. A medium is not there to scare you or to put fear into you about things like that.
[00:46:50] Kelley: But Spirit nudged me and Jules knows me well enough that I can ask those kind of direct questions. And And lo and behold, my lovely Mary passed away a week later. She just literally started dozing off one day, went to the hospital and passed away peacefully that evening. But by then I'd already started to kind of think about putting measures in place and it wasn't a huge shock to the system.
[00:47:19] Kelley: So that's one amazing example of mediumship. And I can honestly say that I have been to many in my life, as I said, but Jules has such an extraordinary gift that she can tap into things like that. She comes up with actual names of people and friends, you know, and... places you've just been to and... it's quite incredible.
[00:47:44] Kelley: And after my other lady passed away, I was with her for three years. She was 96. About a week later, I had a reading with Jules and, and she came into my reading and it was so needed. It was so special... it was so personalised and I just knew straight away that it was her wanting to connect to me. And these experiences just bring you peace of mind, and that's what I think everyone is ultimately seeking.
[00:48:17] Steve: Have you got any explanations for it? It as in whatever it is Jules is doing, seeing, hearing. Do you rationalise that or do you just park that and say, actually it works for me and therefore you move on?
[00:48:35] Kelley: it's interesting because I... from a young age... I myself had many dreams about family members who had passed over. And so it was never a thing that I was afraid of, so I always kind of felt connected to the other side in some way. And so for me, I guess, I almost have the opposite viewpoint where I'm surprised when people don't believe, I just believe we all come in with this knowing and then it gets, you know, I don't wanna say beaten out of us, but conditioned out of us, maybe.
[00:49:20] Kelley: Because if you see with young children, they have a wonderful connection with spirit that's inherent and it's inherent in all of us.
[00:49:28] Kelley: So, all I would say is it's a process of trusting yourself and learning to trust yourself when you are going for a reading, because I've also been for readings that were just... yeah... just awful. The energy didn't feel right or it just, it felt like the person's intentions weren't pure. And with Jules, Jules absolutely has your interest at heart so much so that, you know, sometimes I'll get a follow up call to say, how are you?
[00:50:02] Kelley: She's someone who really cares and so... what I mean is this... this comes naturally to me. It's something... if you have your own spiritual foundation in life, I have my own connection to spirit, then it's not gonna be a... a huge leap for you to go to someone like this. But I would just say keep an open mind and trust yourself and what feels right in your own body, in your own being.
[00:50:27] Kelley: What's happened for me over the years is... having had a lot of trauma in childhood and dealing with a lot of that in my adult years, I went to psychologists, et cetera... which was beneficial at the time. But then I just found, you know what, I actually need more spiritual guidance, because with therapists and that obviously you're dealing human to human, no problem, but just imagine getting the highest guidance of all.
[00:50:55] Kelley: And honestly that's... that's, they've kind of replaced my counselors and therapists... because it's just like... what I want to say is that they bypass the ego. And... and so there's a truth that comes through, which is sometimes not easy to hear, which you know, can also startle people 'cause it's not all about, "Oh, it's all unicorns and roses". Like, we need to deal with some hard truths in your life. Are you ready to hear them?
[00:51:23] Steve: Well, that conversation with Kelley was extremely helpful. But I hadn't quite finished with Jules...
Bigger picture
[00:51:38] Steve: What do you believe happens to an individual when they pass away?
[00:51:42] Jules: Okay, so when someone passes, their soul goes up to whatever you believe in, if it's heaven or whatever, it goes up to heaven... and we just leave what's behind. Now, depending on that person's journey, apparently before we are born, we make a decision on who we want to be with when we are born, and what things in life that we need to go through to rectify the things that we've done in our past.
[00:52:16] Steve: And what do you expect to find in the afterlife.
[00:52:21] Jules: Gosh, what I'm hoping... what I'm hoping for that when I pass, the most important thing for me is to be able to be rejoined with all my loved ones who've already passed over, and then I find out where my journey goes again from there, because many people who then pass, they sometimes have other journeys that they've got to go on. I'm really, really hoping that I can just stay there and never have to come back down here because to me, this is hell and up there is heaven.
Advice for someone wanting to use a Medium
[00:52:59] Steve: What would you say to someone who's thinking about using a medium service like yours, but they're a little bit tentative?
[00:53:08] Jules: I ask them to come in and be open-minded, you know, and ask, if it's their first time, you know, ask the questions that people won't ask, you know? And just try... hopefully we can try and work out what it is that they're frightened of and try and put them at ease first of all. That's the most important thing. The most important thing when you do any readings is making that person comfortable. You know, I always tell everybody, come in, we're just having a conversation, like two friends having a chat, you know? But they have to be comfortable with you. And I always... what I tend to do when someone is really anxious, I take the time out before their reading to talk about what I do, you know, how I can help and just put them at ease really, that I'm, I am a human being. I'm... the same as them. I get nervous as well when they come in, you know. So we're both on the same page and just ask them to be open really.
Message for sceptics
[00:54:14] Steve: And have you got a message for the sceptics?
[00:54:18] Jules: Gosh, all of us need proof. We want to believe. I mean, most people are desperate to have something to believe in because there's nothing worse than when your time is coming, the... we wanna know... we don't want to know that's the end. We... we don't, most people, if you ask them honestly, they really, really hope there's gonna be something else, you know? But with anything, I think it's important that we challenge things, but we are open, you know, if they can prove to me that there isn't life after death, it's a bit like me trying to prove to them that there is, so it is just being open and let's keep this conversation going because there be... there could be other things out there that none of us know. And that would be great if we can find new things as well.
And finally
[00:55:09] Steve: Okay. I've got to the end of what I wanted to ask you. Is there anything that I've kind of really missed out that we should have touched on?
[00:55:16] Jules: The only other thing is people's journeys, I think how they get to it. 'Cause we spoke about where... when I first, you know, started, but it was things within my life that actually guided me, really guided me to do the things that I did. For example, when I got into mediumship and I knew this is the way I was gonna go, my guides actually had planned what I was gonna do in my life to enable me to do the mediumship and healing.
[00:55:52] Jules: So, for example, I was, a nursery nurse at the time. And I really, really loved the job, but things in my own personal life weren't going very, very well. And my guides had stepped in and said to me, "You need to retrain. You need to go into something new". And so I was in a really, really difficult transition, whereas, things in my private life weren't going right. And they were telling me that I needed to change my job. And they basically told me the job that I was gonna go and do.
[00:56:26] Jules: So this was to go and work in a spinal unit, as a therapy assistant. So I was going to train to do physio and occupational therapy. No idea about any of it. And all they kept saying to me, "Trust us, apply today, you will get an interview". So I was just thinking, gosh, this is really difficult. So I did what they told me to pull in my application, which literally closed that day, and there was so many people. And I got through to the next stage. And then... and I then got a wobble because I had to go in for a day for training and all sorts of things, interviews, working with other people.
[00:57:08] Jules: And I came out and they... and I said, "I can't do this. I don't have the skills for this". And they just kept saying to me, "You will get this. I promise you will get this". I actually got the job. How I got the job, I have no idea. But that was what they told me to do. And all through my career, they have taken me to all my jobs. Every job they've told me I've had to go for, I have gotten, and it is through them. And like the last one was on the Burns Unit. I was asked many years ago to go and I kept saying, "No, this isn't for me". I don't think I could do this work. And it kept coming up and in the end I kept thinking, well maybe I've... I am meant to be there. So I went along and I did a thing called shadowing to just have a look and see if I could it. And it was one of the most amazing things that I ever did. I really, really enjoyed it. But I... I realized I was meant to do it, and that's been part of my life. My guides have literally told me everything that I should do up until the point that I do this full time.
[00:58:15] Steve: So that journey is before you've decided to train as a medium. somewhere in your life between that very first encounter with it, that your guides have come along on the journey with you and nudged you in...
[00:58:30] Jules: Absolutely. So was in training during that period. So I just started in circle and they had literally told me what was gonna happen in my life, especially in my private life, which I was going, "No, no, no, no, no". And I'd been told years and years before that was gonna happen. And it... and it did happen, you know. So everything I've ever, ever done, I've always known was gonna happen. I may not have liked it, but I knew things. There's always a knowing with me. I get things in that's gonna happen and it could be two to three months, that happen.
[00:59:02] Jules: I can tell you a little story, which is quite interesting. So this is the thing, doing what you do, you don't always believe yourself. You know, you get things in and you think, "Oh, I can't tell anyone cause I think I'm mad". So there was one day I got up in the morning and I had this overwhelming thing about William and Kate. And I came downstairs and I thought, "Oh gosh, I must have heard this".
[00:59:27] Jules: So I said to my daughter, I said, "Oh, isn't that wonderful that Kate's pregnant, a lovely third child? How wonderful is that?" And my daughter said to me, "What are you talking about?" And I said, "I'm sure I must have heard it on the radio or something that she..." And she said, "Well, I think you must have misheard it". So I didn't think anymore of it. Three months later it then was announced that she was expecting her third child. Really random thing, you know? But that's the sort of thing that I sometimes get. Not all the time, but you know, how do you explain that to somebody?
[01:00:01] Steve: I asked Jules for a final word and she went a little quiet as if she was looking for help.
[01:00:09] Jules: I'm just trying to get my guides to come in... okay. I don't know if I'm getting this right, so just bear with me. First thing they've just said to me, "What will be will be". But they're saying, "Our life has two pathways, but it is our decision on which pathway to take".